Hotornot Changelog
- Details
- Kategorie: Uncategorised
- Veröffentlicht: Dienstag, 01. Dezember 2020 04:02
- Geschrieben von Super User
- Zugriffe: 1522
new com_hotornot3 3.0.1 2020/06/29
- first release of the major updated version 3 to use in Joomla 3.xx
not update to the newest Joomla techniques, but to all neccessary.
Integration of the newest phpThumb version 1.7.16 (07/2020)
+ small hack for non security img without hash if needed (faster)
- use: hash=skip when calling an image src (used on config previews)
finalized the thermometer and colorbar voting system
integrated selector to choose upload or not for each category
new 2-way picture "upload": upload or site link (not www-link)
major css re-design on the whole output (was partially simply raw)
added an optional custom headline to browse page
the main update purpose was to run on a Jommla 3 system,
and NOT to update to the newest usable core, so some parts
may be old, but others may be new - just as needed or found.
(eg. the admin part don't use form fields, just simple html)
original version com_hotornot2 2.0.2 2006/06/29
- This release is a stable bug fix release with minor corrections
- If you are having problems with picture effects / resizing then please use the phpThumb() debugging
page to check first before reporting problems! Almost always problems are due to reason that
GD2/Imagemagick/both libraries have not been installed/enabled on the server. You should have both
installed & configured inorder for this component to work correctly. You can access the phpThumb()'s
debugging page by pointing your browser to file:
You can also find the link to the check page from component's installation page and from the component
information page.
The most common error is incorrect autodetection of phpThumb():s path settings, if you can only see blue
error images then please check phpthumb/phpThumb.config.php and change the document_root setting to suit
your server setup. There's some help texts over there and there are lots of threads on the dev site about
this issue!
Other common issue is that picture effects / resizing don't work at all or some effects don't work.
Almost always problems are due to reason that GD2/Imagemagick/both libraries have not been
installed/enabled on the server or that you're using php safe mode. For the GD2/Imagemagick you should
have both installed & configured inorder for this component to work correctly. You can access the
phpThumb()'s debugging page by pointing your browser to file:
You can also find the link to the check page from component's installation page and from the component
information page.
For the php safe mode no guarantees are given, many people have had issues with file permissions and
disabled functions, file permissions can be cured by chown:ing the component files to the web server user.
Please also note that normally safemode restricts the usage of shell commands and for example
Imagemagick most likely will not work no matter whether it's installed correctly or not. If component's
own debugging mode disagrees with phpThumb():s check page then please trust phpThumb(), it's normally
more correct.
- Please note that this component and the underlying phpThumb() do complicated things with
the filesystem and therefore php in safemode will cause you trouble and it can make
this component unusable. Devs cannot do anything about this, so don't report bugs related
to safe mode.
Recent changes:
- Browse-mode has been broken for a long time. Thanks to Thomas Kunz feedback
& reports the bugs are now corrected.
- Small German/Italian translation updates thanks to Thomas Kunz & Rosanero Pianeta
com_hotornot2 2.0.1 2006/06/26
- This release is a stable bug fix release with minor corrections
Recent changes:
- Path setting tuning. People seem to have quite a lot of problems with phpThumb()
path settings. The default setting is now what the phpThumb() recommends. Additionally
I wrote a lengthy help text about the path settings (check phpthumb/phpThumb.config.php)
to help people figure out the correct setting for their server.
- Some minor bug fixes, most important:
- Tell-a-friend works now, been sending emails to wrong address for a while...
- Pagenavigation finally works again, there was an api-change or joomla code
reorganization that subtly broke it..
- Changed the name of management tool sync users with Joomla. Yet another user
had misunderstood it & deleted their pictures. :(
- Few translation updates, most notably completely new Italian translation by leandro.
Thanks for contributing translations & updates!
com_hotornot2 2.0 2006/05/12
- This is the first stable release after four rc:s, 1 beta and 8 prebetas. :)
- New feature: admin side picture & comment sorting
- New feature: Add some Joomla 1.5 compatibility code. This component should
now work out of the box with Joomla 1.5 .
- Admin side cleanup mostly for IE javascript issues
- Fix listmypics/listuser pics. These didn't work properly with OpenSEF enabled
- Add sanity checks to admin side picture uploading
- New code to figure out absolute path for phpThumb(). Now we'll try autodetect first, then
try to verify whether it worked and if not then use the Joomla's configuration path.
- Other small bugfixes
com_hotornot2 2.0 rc4 2006/04/21
- As before we intend this to be the last rc release and are aiming for
a short testing period before the first stable release. Still no
promises though. :)
Recent changes:
- Lots of bug fixes all over the map. Thanks for all the testers!
- New feature: Admin side directory scan picture adding. This way
large quantities of pictures can be added by transfering them to the
server with ftp/sftp/scp/whatever and pointing the component to scan
the directory & adding all the valid images to the db
- New feature: Toggle guest voting on/off. You can disable not
logged in users' voting. Also voting links are equipped with
rel="nofollow" to prevent wellbehaving web spiders voting
- Add new configuration toggles: select rating system to use, select
whether current score is shown in rating system
- Add new rating system: vertical star rating system (IE with current
rating shown broken), simple radio buttons (vertical/horizontal),
text links (vertical/horizontal), graphical bar (horizontal, BROKEN)
- Tune star rating system. Horizontal stars should now work correctly
with all browsers and it is the new default rating system used in
the component
- Add more fields to admin side picture display, now email address,
date uploaded, totalvotes & rating is shown.
- Cleanup: More debugging information added & whole debug fixed & reorganized
- New phpThumb() version 1.71 integrated. Also some changes to phpThumb
defaults: root path is taken from Joomla configuration & offsite
linking is enabled
- New Lightbox2 2.02+ version integrated & enabled for now. This ajax
picture zoomer doesn't have problems with component's menu displaying
through. It is enabled by default, but we haven't decided yet whether
to keep it as default or not. Feedback appreciated!
- New feature: Pagination of user's picture display. Default is 10
pictures page
- New debugging feature: Added database debugging to every query
- New translation: Spanish thanks to mangoman
- New admin function: Download db dump. You can get the db dump as
complete mysql queries.
- New admin function: Delete all pictures without db entry. With this
you can cleanup aborted uploads etc..
- Cleanup: Thermometer has been tuned more. Cleanup the code & make it
a bit smaller
com_hotornot2 2.0 rc3 2006/03/17
- It has come to our attention that some people have problems with component's picture effects & resizing.
Almost always problems are due to reason that GD2/Imagemagick/both libraries have not been
installed/enabled on the server. You should have both installed & configured inorder for this component
to work correctly. You can use phpThumb's debugging feature to see what the situation is on your server
by pointing your browser to file:
http://<your site's root>/components/com_hotornot2/phpthumb/demo/phpThumb.demo.check.php
Recent changes:
- Lots of bugfixes all around the map, examples:
- component didn't display anything when there weren't any pictures - now menu is displayed
- watermark effects didn't always work correctly because of wrong option passing
- Reorder phpThumb params inorder to workaround resize problems.
- Picture title was incorrectly limited to 30 chars instead of db supported 40 chars
- Picture uploading cleaned up and add possibility to upload multiple pictures (as zip files)
- Added logfile to backup zip
- New feature: admin side picture adding. Now you can add pictures from admin panel. Both single & multiple
pictures (zipped) is supported
- New feature: configurable thumbnail size & effects toggle for thubmnails
- New feature: Add preview images to admin side component configuration. You can preview picture sizes & effects
through admin panel now
- New experimental feature: css based star rating system which can be used as a replacement
for thermometer. It doesn't work correctly with IE at the moment.
- Lots of new fonts added, details about fonts in fonts/fontreadme.php
- Clean up of thermometer code + xhtml validation fixes
- Update French translation, thanks to Laurent Belloeil
- Removed experimental marking from sef_ext.php, now it is used if OpenSEF is installed/enabled
- Changed Polish/Finnish languages to use utf-8 as default.
com_hotornot2 2.0 rc2 2006/02/28
- We have a new demo/developer site: . On the site there is a demo
of current svn version of the component, static admin side demo and static module demo. We
also have forums, links and all related standard stuff. If you're interested in this
component then please take a look at the site and register. We intend to stop
using joomlaforge's forums, so please post on the site instead. Later we might
also move the bug tracker to the new site.
- Devs intend this to be the last rc release before stable release. There are quite
many changes so no promises though...
Recent changes:
- Lot's of bug fixes. For some reason couple of clear bugs were present in earlier versions. :(
The fixes include proper image size configuration support (no more hardcodings), picture
category fixes (some functions still used old unicategory code), proper errors & functioning
in situation when there aren't enough votes to display top list, proper ItemID's for
modules + couple of other fixes.
- Devs have decided to drop Mambo support. We don't personally use Mambo so it's impossible
to support it. However component might work just fine with Mambo too, we aren't using
any Joomla! specific features at the moment (but will be using in the future). Only problems
reported have been that component upgrading doesn't backup sql data correctly, so you
might end up losing your data when upgrading.
- New 1.70 version of phpThumb() integrated.
- New feature: lightbox support. Component includes lightbox-javascript library and
when using links to full size pictures the component will dynamically zoom & fit the
pictures. Also modhotornotrandom/newest have lightbox support now.
- Basic Community Builder (RC2) profile linking.
- New experimental feature: OpenSEF support with sefext.php.experimental . With this sefext.php
and OpenSEF you can make much nicer url:s and have eg. picture/category name's in links
instead of id:s. To enable this feature move sefext.php.experimental to sefext.php, install
& enable OpenSEF. Please note however that at the moment OpenSEF 2.0 RC4 isn't compatible
with the newest Joomla! release 1.08 so this feature only works with Joomla! release 1.07 until
OpenSEF 2.0 RC5 is released (March 2006).
- Updated Polish translation, both utf-8 and iso-8859-2 versions (polish.php.iso-8859-2).
Translations made by redrum. Thank you very much!
- New French translation, made by Laurent Belloeil. Thank you very much too!
- With these updated translations com_hotornot2 has now four complete languages - English,
Finnish, Polish and French. There's also not complete German translations. There's still
room for more languages, please send any translations that you have made!
com_hotornot2 2.0 rc1 2006/01/07
Recent changes:
- Happy new year! This is the first release candidate
of 2.0 series
- New integration: pms:s
- New module: modhotornot2previouspicture: display:s previous
voted picture (with rating & total votes)
- Minor bugfixes & xhtml-updates
com_hotornot2 2.0 beta1 2005/12/22
- Merry xmas! After eight prebeta releases this is the first
- 0 beta release (hopefully also last beta)
- Added Polish translations thanks to "redrum"
- Compared to prebeta8 there are only small bugfixes &
translation tunings.
com_hotornot2 prebeta8 2005/12/12
Recent changes:
- Added new configurable browse-mode to the component. In this
mode component shows a configurable table of thumbnails that
users can browse. This mode can also be selected as component's
default mode.
- ItemID:s added to component's links. Thanks to J121 for providing
a patch for this. Also related modules have been updated to conform.
- Fixed up admin queries to conform to old mysql standard. Thanks to J121 for
noticing this too!
- Small bugfixes & translation tunings.
com_hotornot2 prebeta7 2005/12/09
Recent changes:
- Debug mode enable/disable via configuration panel
- New feature, language debug mode, shows translation variable name &
language after each translatable string. Feature is intended for
helping translators.
- New management function: sync users with Joomla. Function removes all
pictures which have userid:s that doesn't exist in Joomlas user table. ie. function
removes former members pictures.
- Small language as object conversion fixes & performance optimizations
com_hotornot2 prebeta6 2005/12/08
Recent changes:
- Language support conversion to object based code done.
- Small bugfixes & performance optimizations
- Configurable users' picture limit
- Component's menu can be configured on/off
- New modules:
- modhotornot2latest_comments - displays latest comments
- modhotornot2menu - displays component's menu
- modhotornot2stats - displays statistics
- modskinsrandom-v1.0 - skin support
- Modules are released in separate zip file available on Joomlaforge.
Please notice that you cannot install the modules by installing the zip file.
You have to unpack the zip and then install the modules you want one by one.
If you can't unpack to the server and use the install from directory feature
then you'll have to zip the modules one by one and upload the zip:s you've
. Thank you! Also bug reports, feedback, suggestions
are appreciated! You can reach the devs also via forums on Joomlaforge and .
- True template support, now the template file (displaypix.html.php) is full of code.
[eta: After Joomla 1.1 release, with patTemplate or whatever Joomla uses. help wanted/needed.]
com_hotornot2 prebeta4 2005/12/01
Recent changes:
- Switched component to use Joomla uids instead of usernames
- Added management tools, at the moment you can:
- Delete all comments
- Reset all votes/rates
- Delete all pictures
- Delete all categories
- Fixed reported bugs
- Added five new features: Maximum number of picture's user
can have + three togles for enabling/disbling tell-a-firend, report bad picture,
picture titles, icons on/off switch.
- Language support conversion to object based code. This cleans up the public side
code a lot. [eta: after first release]
- True template support, now the template file (displaypix.html.php) is full of code.
[eta: later]
com_hotornot2 svn version 2005/11/28
Recent changes:
- Comment moderation added to the administration panel
- Upgrade support for old 1.22 com_hotornot (with/without app patch v3)
- This file added to administration menu
- Configuration tabbed
- Javascript validation during picture uploading changed, also
added server side validation
- Language support conversion to object based code. This cleans up the public side
code a lot. [eta: after first release]
- True template support, now the template file (displaypix.html.php) is full of code.
[eta: later]
com_hotornot2 svn version 2005/11/26
Recent changes:
- Administration side cleanup partially done.
- Allmost all of the intended features are implemented. Comment
moderation's administration side is still missing.
- Component is getting quite close to a release
- Language support conversion to object based code. This cleans up the public side
code a lot. [eta: after first release]
- True template support, now the template file (displaypix.html.php) is full of code.
[eta: later]
com_hotornot2 svn version 2005/11/15
Recent changes:
- We aren't using the config file anymore, configuration is now
saved to a new database table (#hotornot_config).
- No more path issues - component figures out the path internally.
We lost the possibility to keep pictures on a custom location, now the
pictures are always saved to img/full -directory under component's public
- Also email settings are gone. Sent emails can be configured via language
files, but Joomla's settings are used for sending mail.
- This configuration work was done in order to make the component
work out of the box. You don't need to configure anything if you don't want and
we intend to keep it this way.
- Component can be upgraded. When uninstalling component
creates a zip file under administrator/backups -directory.
When installing component checks whether this file exists and if yes it restores
the data back from the zip. Saved data is the original uploaded pictures and configuration
- Included phpthumb upgraded to the current release.
- Thumbnails of pictures are not created anymore, instead we're using phpthumb to create them
dynamically. phpthumb has an internal cache so each thumb is created only once. However
the initial creation is quite slow, but don't panic it's normal. The main reason for this
change is the fact that we can have dynamical settings for thumbnails. eg. you change the
maxinum width and phpthumb creates new thumbs with correct size.
- New features: picture reporting, multiple categories support. Also more features can
be configured on/off style via administration panel.
- Language support conversion to object based code. This cleans up the public side
code a lot.
- Administration side cleanup still necessary. There's still for example known feature that
category deletion only works with big button, not with the red x:s.
- There's some features still coming
- True template support, now the template file (displaypix.html.php) is full of code.
com_hotornot2 svn version 26/10/2005
Recent changes:
- Database structure changed. If you're upgrading
from earlier versions, then please note
the followign database name changes: #hotornotcat ->
hotornotcat , hotornotlog -> hotornotlog
- Component should be 100%
compatible with both Mambo (version >= 4.5.2) &
Joomla (version >= 1.0). Both new installs & upgrades
should work on Joomla. Component has been tested only on
Joomla 1.03.
- New features: user online indicator, uploading file size
limit, direct links, optional badwords2 filtering (you need to
install com_badwords2 inorder to use this feature)
- Code reliability & stability is supposedly beta quality, please
report any issues that you encounter. If you are using older
versions of the component (1.22, 1.22 with app patches, previous
svn releases), we strongly recommend you to upgrade rightaway. There are
severe security issues in the older versions - you should not use
them on a public site!
Known issues:
- Multiple category code is still not in use. You might
get some sql errors on "show my pics"-page because of this
- This component is still not 100% compatible with register globals off. At the moment
public side seems to be okay, but administrator side requires some corrections.
- There's a lot to do with path settings. We have decided to remove all the
path settings from the component, however it hasn't been implemented yet.
- if you're using old configuration file, then note that there's new variables in this version
Easiest way to create a working configuration is to save your old with a different filename & create
a new config with administration panel and finally copy settings back from old config file to new one.
If there's some variables missing in the new config file, don't create them as they are not needed anymore.
- The developers would like to thank Chris Fuller for creating the original component and hosting
the discussion board for comhotornot. comhotornot2 is still basicly just an enhanced version of
Chris's original com_hotornot component. You can reach Chris via Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! email or by visiting
his site .
- Thanks to Jyrik ( for the custom Thermometer, and permission
for distribution (c) 2005 Released under Creative Commons license ( ).
- Component's picture handling is provided by phpThumb(), whose home & demo page can be found from:
- Component also uses Matt Kruse:s excellent javascript color picker library:
- We would also like to thank all the users & translators of the component. Your feedback & translations
are crucial for this project.
This component is released under General Public License v2. See LICENSE.TXT for the whole license text.