JJ shoutbox Image Preview
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- Kategorie: Diverse
- Veröffentlicht: Montag, 18. Mai 2020 04:33
- Geschrieben von Super User
- Zugriffe: 2812
add Image previews to JJshoutbox img-links (optional popover) (type: core-hack)
requirement: of course JJshoutbox from joomjunk.co.uk
as I missed little previews on shout images, I edited the code with only 2 lines a bit more using setup
for the less amount of images, there is no image->thumbnail / popover resizing
the popover option is only working with bootstrap available (in Joomla)
the preview works well in the history - the popover may have a lack of space
you can see a working demo on the startpage
this is what you have to do:
1. in the helper.php function bbcodeFilter replace the img line in $replace = array(:
'<a href="#" data-jj-image="$1" data-jj-image-alt="$2" class="jj-image-modal hasPopover" data-html="true" data-original-title="<img src=\'$1\' alt=\'$2\' />" data-content="$2" onclick="JJShoutbox.imageModalWrapper(event, this)">$2<img src="/$1" class="jj-image-inline" alt="$2" /></a>',
OR without popover:
'<a href="#" data-jj-image="$1" data-jj-image-alt="$2" class="jj-image-modal" onclick="JJShoutbox.imageModalWrapper(event, this)">$2<img src="/$1" class="jj-image-inline" alt="$2" /></a>',
2. to use the popover, rebind it in the js-file on JJShoutbox.getPosts ->response.success:
also if bootstrap is not fully enabled at the end of the jQuery(document).ready function add:
3. limit the preview img size using CSS:
.jj-image-inline{max-height:36px!important;width:auto;margin:0 5px;}
and disable image size limit if using the popover
.jjshoutbox .popover img{max-height:unset!important;}
for a nicer line flow you can add:
.jj-image-modal img{vertical-align: middle;}
$preview = ($this->params->get('preview', 0));
$popover = ($preview) ? ($this->params->get('popover', 0)) : 0;
'<a href="#" data-jj-image="$1" data-jj-image-alt="$2" class="jj-image-modal'.($popover ? ' hasPopover" data-html="true" data-original-title="<img src=\'$1\' alt=\'$2\' />" data-content="$2"' : '"').' onclick="JJShoutbox.imageModalWrapper(event, this)">$2'.($preview ? '<img src="/$1" class="jj-image-inline" alt="$2" />' : '').'</a>',
<field name="preview" type="jjradio" class="switcher" default="1" label="Image Preview" >
<option value="0">JNO</option><option value="0">JYES</option></field>
<field name="popover" type="jjradio" showon="preview:1" class="switcher" default="1" label="Preview Popover">
<option value="0">JNO</option><option value="0">JYES</option></field>
download JJshoutbox_imgprev (19kb)