Hot or Not ³ - a picture vote component
- Details
- Kategorie: Diverse
- Veröffentlicht: Dienstag, 11. August 2020 04:20
- Geschrieben von Super User
- Zugriffe: 2828
based on the original component from 2006 I updated the core for the use in Joomla 3
the included phpthumb v17.6 by J.Heinrich is the newest release from 2020 and optimized for Joomla 3
(including a little hack to use images without hash control, if security is not relevant, eg. config previews)
the update is not to use always the newest Joomla cores, but mainly to replace the mootools core
I finalized the not working graphical rating systems thermometer (vertical) and colorbar (horizontal).
There is a new option to add pictures also by link from the entire site (no www-link, copyright security)
and added a setup option to select if pictures can be uploaded or just linked from the site to a category.
the complete component got a fresh css design, as the original was mainly still in a raw format
just take a look at the HotorNot demo on this site, and feel free to report errors
you may choose an option from the included Hot-or-Not Menu Module on the left
(to see the full working voting system and all features of Hot or Not 3 you must be logged in)
IMPORTANT: in this first release of the component only the german language is complete human.
all other languages files are just translated with the google translator - corrections are required