Kunena Editor Modification
- Details
- Category: Kunena
- Last Updated: Sunday, 16 May 2021 10:56
- Hits: 5680
Kunena Editor Modifications (type: Core Hack)
modifications to the BBCode core and the template Editor's markitup*.js files
this is NOT a simple one click setup module - only use it if you know how to edit php and js.
I have included complete edited files, but I can't know if they will work on your kunena version,
as I don't know the update map of kunena 5 (and I never have tested this in version 3 or 4)
WYSIWYG - you will get:
you may look and test the functionality in the forum
this original kunena files must be edited:
- libraries/kunena/bbcode/bbcode.php main bbcode translate file
- libraries/kunena/bbcode/parser.php just a few lines
- kunena/layout/topic/edit/editor.php only if adding audio, email or osm map
- kunena/layout/widget/editor.php only if adding audio, email or osm map
language/xx/xx-XX.com_kunena.templates.ini and language/xx/xx-XX.com_kunena.ini
this original kunena - template files must be edited:
yourtemplate/assets/js/markitup-editor.js the main constructor for the editor
yourtemplate/assets/js/markitup-set.js all the js used for the editor functions
yourtemp./layouts/widget/editor/bbcode.php templates for the editor's modals
or layouts/topic/edit/editor/default.php depends on the template -
yourtemplate/assets/css -> custom.css adding the new, needed css lines
- yourtemplate/assets/js/upload-main.js only needed to link attachements
- yourtemplate/assets/js/topic.js only needed for the new audio functions
- yourtemplate/config/config.xml only for audio and map setup in backend
- yourtemp./layouts/bbcode/map/default.php only needed for new map button
important: always check if your template loads the normal.js or the -min.js version.
you can simply rename normal js files to -min, this makes just a few more kb, or minifiy your new JS online.
this new js files must be added: (only if you want to use this functions, or load it dynamicly)
libraries/kunena/external/twjs/twidgets.js don't load latest! an old original twitter script
libraries/kunena/external/hls/hls.min.js + hls.min.js.map the original hls streaming script