SobiPro Listing AddOns

SobiPro Listing AddOns   (type: AddOn + little Core Hack)

requirement:  of course: SobiPro (tested v1.4.11 - I'm testing  the new 1.5.2 live here :)

                        for the Tag listing you also must have the aggregation_field installed


in addition to the integrated listings you can choose the display listings for:



download addon_sobi_listing (26 KB)


 how to use the files:

1.  add the *.xml files to the administrator/components/com_sobipro/menu/ folder

     - updated.xml (for the newest updated view)

     - createda.xml (for the eldest entries first - just created in asc order :)

     - counter.xml (for the most viewed entries)

     - waiting.xml (for new entries, awaiting approvement) - only for super-user


this will give you the new choosable options if you setup a new menu item for sobipro

and the needed sobipro listing urls will be saved in the menu database (if you use it :)

2. for the new listings to work, just add the order.php file to  .../com_sobipro/opt/listing/  

   and the order.xsl to the com_sobipro/usr/templates/.../listing folder

3. for the waiting listing there is also a little hack of the components/com_sobipro/lib/views/view.php

    just replace the view.php or edit the necessary lines and you get an info line if logged in as admin.


    in this file, you also find the edited part for the tag-listing if you have the aggregation field installed.


    to show the tag listing in the menu we also must edit the templates/.../common/alphamenu.xsl

                            you can also edit all *.xsl files direct in the sobipro backend


4. add the desired (included) language lines in the *com_sobipro.ini language file

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